
Spadoom excels in servicing the chemical industry, focusing on recurring orders and personalisation of information. We ensure tight integration and emphasize the importance of order placement, with systems to check availability, enhancing efficiency and customer satisfaction.

For a long time, the Chemical Industry has been selling items online with great success. There are numerous reasons why online business is growing at an exponential rate: it is fantastic for recurring orders, and when done correctly, a B2B e-commerce solutions can provide tailored data as well as product-related information.

The importance of tight integration into the supply chain, accounting, and manufacturing planning cannot be overstated. When a customer submits a request, the framework must check availability and, in some cases, instruct manufacturing to produce and deliver the materials. Customers also look forward to receiving notifications such as order confirmation, dispatching, invoices, and customs and duties information.

Many of the current B2B commerce solutions available in the chemical industry are useful for placing orders and meeting a variety of other business requirements, but they frequently fall short on the tight integration and additional functionality required to deliver an exceptional client experience.

Chemical Companies



Spadoom collaborates with leaders in the chemical industry to successfully generate up to 40% of their revenue through online sales. Spadoom believes this is due to a focus on recurring orders, personalization of information, contextual product details, and assisting other business measures, such as ordering a sample of the product online. Spadoom recognizes the importance of order placement and the systems required to check availability, including notifying the manufacturer to produce material based on the requirement. Spadoom provides the tight integration and functionality required to improve the customer experience. Customization, personalized marketing, and user-friendly interfaces are all examples of this.

Key Benefits of working with Spadoom for customizing and implementing SAP CX Solutions includes:

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